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Carbon Dioxide

It is a substance that is produced when a substance containing carbon burns or ferments, when a living thing breathes, or when there is human metabolism and it is non-combustible gas

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Carbon Dioxide

Carbon Dioxide

- It is a substance that is produced when a substance containing carbon burns or ferments, when a living thing breathes, or when there is human metabolism and it is non-combustible gas (carbon dioxide, anhydrous carbon dioxide) that is heavier than the air which is colorless, tasteless, and odorless.

- Where to use

① beverages(food) : Food additives for beer and carbonated beverages

② Industrial Use : Welding gases, Coolants, Antioxidants, Fire extinguishers, Releasing agents for iron castings

③ Agricultural Use : Low temperature storage for vegetables and fruits, Removing tannic acid in persimmons, Promoting plants’ growth

④ Medical Use : Local anesthetics, Antacids, Sterilizing gas (mixed gas with E.O), Pesticides, carbon dioxide laser – skin treatment lamps

⑤ Others : Water treatment and Wastewater treatment – PH control, Puffing of cigarettes, Heavy spray application (Cosmetic, Pharmaceutical, Insecticide, etc.)